Student looking at job listings on CORE Credit: Abby Titara
CORE, an employment website for Marian students, was rolled out this semester in place of Handshake, the previous site that has been used for years.
CORE is explained as “your source for all things Career Opportunities, Relationships, and Engagement” for Marian’s students, according to a post by Briannah Bieghler, the director of internships and assessment.
CORE currently has 217 off-campus employers in their system looking to hire and 17 on-campus job listings whereas Handshake’s 750,000+ total employers are looking to recruit.
The Exchange Team created CORE to help students more conveniently target a job that directly relates to their major and career of choice. The hope is that this new system will cut down on the number of emails students receive about non-related fields of work – as was an issue with Handshake, according to Marisol Canchola, senior in graphic design.
Although this sounds like a good idea, some students expressed their concerns with the change of systems – especially with the lack of advertisement, many students don’t even know it exists yet, let alone how to use it.
“It’s harder to use. It’s confusing because now our information is in two different places and many people didn’t even know they had to switch [to CORE]” said Mackendzie Dresbaeugh, junior in marketing.
“CORE is the definition of stupidity. Why change a program, tell no one about it, and then expect me to apply for a job?” said Charles E.A. Russell III, junior in political science major with a theology minor.
The Exchange team is requiring freshmen to participate in creating an account with CORE during their FYS classes to increase awareness for the new system and how to navigate it.