“I love seeing teachers outside of school. It’s like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs.” A quote from American singer and songwriter, Janis Ian.
There is a peak of interest in what sort of activities Marian’s professors and staff members enjoy doing in their free time. They are usually known for their profession alone, but never asked the question of: what do they do outside of work? Do they have a favorite entertainment content? What foods do they enjoy? What do they look forward to at home? These are some of the questions that were asked to a few of Marian’s staff members.
Dr. Norton, one of Marian’s professors of English and Humanities, was asked if he had a favorite film or tv show. He mentioned that an Akira Kurosawa film called, Seven Samurai, a Japanese made film from 1954, is a favorite of his. As one of his top picks, Dr. Norton shared that he owns this film on DVD and watches it at least once a year.
“Akira Kurosawa’s film, Seven Samurai, changed my life as a young man when I first saw it on a big screen at a foreign film festival in Bloomington, Indiana”, said Dr. Norton.
One of Marian’s psychology professors, Dr. Pelc, was asked the same question about her favorite television entertainment. She had shared that she enjoys true crime shows. Aside from true crime, Dr. Pelc also mentioned she enjoys the show Money Heist and “mindless shows”, such as Ink Master.
Dr. Pelc said she especially enjoys these shows for, “days when I have less emotional energy”.
Another faculty member of Marian’s community that was asked about his favorite film or tv show was Austin Dwenger. Austin is one of Marian’s Area Coordinators on campus. He oversees and works with first year students. Although Austin mentioned that he is, “not a big television or movie person”, he shared that he does enjoy watching a various amount of sports.

Dr Norton, Dr. Pelc, and Austin were all asked what their favorite meal is to make at home. Each individual had their own uniquely different answers.
Austin mentioned that he and his wife eat a lot of chicken in their household. He expressed that chicken is very “versatile” and he enjoys cooking with it because he is able to make various dishes this way.
“Recently I have started to make a chicken meatloaf, which has been very common here lately”, said Austin.
Dr. Norton excitedly shared that he enjoys making spaghetti pasta with Pesto sauce topped with Romano cheese. He also mentioned that he and his wife, Diane, make their own Pesto in their kitchen from Basil and other herbs that he grows in his garden.
“Yum, yum, and easy to prepare”, emphasized Dr. Norton.

Dr. Pelc briefly shared that her favorite meal to make at home is home-made pizza from scratch.
“It’s my comfort food”, said Dr. Pelc.
The final question asked was what exactly makes their home feel like “home” to them. In which, some heart-warming answers were shared.
“My wife Diane. My wife knits a lot and it’s homey to sit and talk with her while she’s knitting”, Dr. Norton said.
Dr. Pelc had said that home is a comfort that is welcoming and accepting. She also shared that her home is where the relationships welcome her in all dimensions and the experience is mutual. She enjoys spending time with her son at home, as well.

“It’s a place to re-group and be most authentic”, Dr. Pelc warmly said.
Austin shared that he lives on campus, which allows him to be more involved in the students’ extracurricular involvements. He also expressed that being able to show up and support his students in the things they enjoy to do is one of the things that make him feel at home.
“It is a way I can show the residents that we care here at Marian and that we really are here for them”, Austin shared.