Growing deeper in faith in Spring 2023 on Campus

Adoration at BCM Awake Night 2022
February 14, 2023
Campus Ministry is gearing up for the new semester with many things for Marian students to get involved in. Old events like “Awake Night” are continuing in the Bishop Chartrand Memorial Chapel once a month. New to this year is the all catholic “Knight Awakening Retreat.”
Similar to previous semesters, Campus Ministry’s student-run event “Awake Night” will follow the day long Wednesday adoration in the St. Joseph Chapel located in Cato-Wanger dorms.
“Awake Night” opens with a guest speaker, followed by praise and worship music, adoration and more. The first two-hour long event will start at 8 p.m. on Jan. 25. Archbishop Thompson will be the guest speaker, according to Samantha Smith, Data and Support for Campus Ministry.
“It’s just a really nice time to pray and reflect once a month,” Smith said. “And grow closer to the lord in whatever way you need to at that time.”
For a more extensive weekend long prayer opportunity, Campus ministry is hosting for the first time “Knight Awakening Retreat.” Similar to “Awake Night,” this retreat will have adoration, speakers, small groups, prayer opportunities and more.
“Mary Kate Shanahan has been brainstorming sense about the summer about a catholic retreat for [all] students,” Smith said.
To learn more about the retreat email Mary Kate Shanahan at: [email protected].