Students With Small Businesses

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Lizzie Schmidt, Editor

It is no secret that student-owned small businesses have taken off in recent years. With many small businesses on our campus, we wanted to find out how these benefit their owners and help get them through school.

Katelynn Gray of Kate Creates on Instagram is a Senior Marketing Major at Marian University. Gray has been active with her small business since the beginning of 2022. Currently, her shop features stickers that she has designed herself, but she plans to add more products in the future. Her business has hit the ground running since the beginning of this year, as she has the support of her friends to help grow her account and spread awareness of new products. While she is known for her MU sport team designs, she does customs for other people and businesses.

Gray’s business is something she currently does for fun, but she is hoping to turn it into a career in the future. But, she said, “this business definitely helps when it comes to the bills for the house I am renting.” Gray has other jobs that help pay for her schooling, but the income from her small business helps out.

Jenna Heckathorn, a senior Nursing major, also recently started a business.

Heckathorn has been active with her small business since this past summer. She originally started making headbands for herself as a hobby, but her friends have also helped her business gain traction. Her headbands are something she can wear to work and have become very popular among nurses. She features a variety of designs but keeps her nursing roots in mind, as she offers multiple healthcare designs in her storefront. In addition, being her own boss allows her to donate headbands to the NICU at Saint Vincent and kids at Riley Hospital and Peyton Manning Hospital.

Heckathorn projects her business will be profitable soon. Right now, she makes headbands for fun, as she is still working on breaking even. “This business definitely has the potential to become a side business for me,” she said. “I just need a little bit more exposure and time on campus.”

These businesses have impacted the owners’ lives and will continue to do so. While their businesses have already gained traction, they will likely continue to create more income for these students.

To support these students in their endeavors, check out their Instagram accounts, where they sell and promote their products.

