The Hummingbird

Bella Simons, Staff

I remember when I captured this photo. I was at a family friend’s lake house and I brought my camera to get pictures of the beautiful flowers. It was summer. Everything was in bloom, and the sun shone down on the lake with warmth. Mimi, my mom’s friend from church was making her famous buttered corn, and the smell was wafting through the air, making my mouth water. We had just gotten back from going out on the boat, and I was searching for the perfect photo, so I went to the porch out back. When I started to photograph the flowers I noticed a hummingbird, hovering by a bird feeder. I smiled, happy to have to opportunity to catch the perfect shot. I kept my distance from the bird and brought my camera to my eyes, focused the camera, and shot away. There were no sounds except for the shutter of the camera and the hummingbird’s wings. I will never forget how lucky I felt to capture that shot.