Finals Week… It’s Coming


Linny Rousseau, Campus News Editor

And just like that, another semester is almost over. That can only mean one thing… finals week. The most stressful time of the semester is near. We all deal with stress a little differently. For me, I love getting some exercise in. Over the last year or so, I have found myself becoming very passionate about fitness. It has been one of my main focuses to deal with stress. It is so incredibly beneficial. It clears my mind. It gives me fitness. It allows to escape the madness. I love it through and through. Not everyone will want to go down that route, and understandable, to each their own. I thought I would catch up with some students to see how they deal with stress. Here are some answers I got:


-“Starbucks, and lots of it.”

-“Plan at least one hour a day to take a break from studying and hang out with my friends!”

-“Going on a walk, sleeping, or watching baseball.”

-“Sleeping and praying that I pass!”

-“Call my mom!”

-“Eat some cookie dough or any kind of dessert!”


These are all really great tips, and I highly suggest you try at least one of them when you find yourself getting overly stressed over finals. Good luck, Knights! Have a great (and successful!) finals week!