The Fioretti, Marian University’s student-led literary journal, is asking for submissions for the spring edition of their magazine. The deadline to submit work is by Feb. 11.
The Fioretti is gaining more attention than it has in the past. The staff has more than doubled in size between semesters. The team is passionately trying to spread the word so that other students can participate before the deadline.
“Submitting to The Fioretti is a way to express your creativity if you don’t always have access to a creative outlet,” said first-year member, Maddie Surber, “We’re

tudents promoting and supporting student work, it creates a sense of community and brings the Marian community together!”
They are asking for submissions of creative work, such as short stories, poems, art, and more. Generally, most forms of creative work are acceptable to submit, and eligible to be considered for print.
The Fioretti, which stands for Little Flowers, is a significant part of Marian University’s history. The group was founded completely by women in 1943, and celebrated its 80th anniversary last year. The group is still going strong.
“The Fioretti is great because we all have the same passion of writing,” said another first-year member, Amari Fields.
The Fioretti has future plans to create a stronger social media presence on Instagram, and their own website to spread the word even more. If you would like to submit a piece of creative work, go to this link to submit for the Spring 2024 magazine, and contact [email protected] with any questions.