Roses & Thorns- Week One


Blair Kramer, Web Master and Managerial Editor

Before we get to this weeks Roses & Thorns, I wanted to just thank everybody for their submissions. If you’re interested in having a rose or thorn featured next week, feel free to email us at [email protected]!

Here are this weeks Roses:

“Many thanks to Carol Obergfell for always making me smile!”

“Roses to Ms. Wanda in the Caf, you always make the day better with your smile.”

“Props to Hadley Hawkins for killing it at speech, but also just for being an awesome friend.”

“A rose to Professor Crawford for being an excellent mentor and teacher that really cares for his students.”

“Thankful for Emily Pingel who is willing to watch Halloween specials of Brooklyn Nine-Nine episodes since I can’t handle horror movies.”

“Shoutout to Dr. Norton for always making my day just by talking to him!”

“A bouquet of roses to the speech team because you’re the family I needed to make Marian feel like home.”

“A rose to Professor Baumann for always keeping our class interesting and one of my favorite classes to go to!”

“Roses to Dr. Eppich-Harris for making Humanities pretty epic… But seriously, you made that course so enjoyable and taught me so much, thank you.”


Here are this weeks Thorns:

“Thorns to parking, trying to find a parking spot in the morning takes too much effort.”

“A whole lot of thorns to my Student ID. WHY DO I KEEP LOSING YOU?!”

“I want to give thorns to my impeccable procrastination; staying up until 3:00 AM doing homework really stinks.”

“Thorns to cold weather with rain. I don’t mind cold weather, but the rain makes it unbearable.”

8 AMs really deserve a thorn or two. I am not a morning person.”